In this day an age, ecommerce is one of the most popular ways to shop. Pdf consumer innovativeness and opinion leadership. The role of opinion leaders in influencing consumer. Aug 23, 2005 this study finds that opinion leaders in computer.
The impact of opinion leader on consumer decision making process. May 05, 2017 opinion leaders influencing consumer behaviour as social media facebook, youtube and instagram are taking over the world it comes with a new influx of opinion leaders. Understanding influence power of opinion leaders in e. Considers their relevance to the marketing of wine by assessing whether they are a reachable segment with respect to their demography and information needs. Consumer behavior opinion leadership flashcards quizlet. Unfortunately, many opinion leaders pay scant attention to nonpharmacological strategies. Opinion leadership is leadership by an active media user who interprets the meaning of media messages or content for lowerend media users. Consumer behaviour emerged in the 1940s and 50s as a distinct subdiscipline in the marketing area. Opinion leaders would be unwise to foster relationships with only one company as major bias would result, and frequently enter into arrangements with multiple companies. It has become more common to online shop than to go to a shopping center and purchase a tangible product. Researchers have been less interested in modeling opinion leadership itself. Explain the influence of opinion leaders on consumer. Typically the opinion leader is held in high esteem by those who accept their opinions.
The role of opinion leaders in influencing consumer behaviors. Explain the influence of opinion leaders on consumer buying behaviours. May 05, 2017 opinion leaders, such as new types of digital celebrities. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Have you ever change your mind or attitude towards an issue, a product or an event after being affected by the opinion of celebrities, famous people, vloggers, youtubers, etc. The constructs related to consumer behaviour such as product involvement, opinion leadership, need for uniqueness, venturesomeness and price insensitivity have been included in the study as. Well look no further cause im here to explain more on how these opinion leaders influence and affect consumer behavior. Consumer behaviour, consumer influence and the process of diffusion what is opinion leadership. The concepts of opinion leadership and opinion seeking are defined, previous attempts to measure them are critiqued, and the scale development process is described. Consumer behaviour is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and all the activities associated with the purchase, use and disposal of goods and services, including the consumers emotional, mental and behavioural responses that precede or follow these activities. Klingemann and rommele 2002 add to the discourse by arguing that opinion leaders interpret the information they obtain from the mass media according to their own cultural and social contexts.
The importance of information from articles, books and television programmes is significantly associated with opinion leadership status. This helps reduce cognitive dissonance when a marketer can answer any concerns of a new consumer. Amity business school opinion leadership the process by which one person the opinion leader informally influences the consumption actions or attitudes of others who may be opinion seekers or opinion recipients. This study examines the existence of tv opinion leadership and the purchasing of tv sets. This implicit model is expanded and tested empirically. Opinion leaders influencing consumer behaviour consumer. We often look to opinion leaders for help in our consumer decisions. Opinion leaders are important disseminators of information. Use examples from market to illustrate your answer.
The sellers market has disappeared and buyers market has come up. A reference group serves as a frame of reference for an individual and influences hisher behavior. This led to paradigm shift of the manufacturers attention from product to. Nuttapol assarut is an assistant professor of marketing and secretary of the. Opinion leaders are individuals or organizations in a community whose opinion in a specific subject matter is respected and can influence consumer buying behavior.
Even though the definition of opinion leaders is slightly differed throughout the time, the concept of opinion leaders still contains the main points. This paper examines the opinion leadership literature to determine how consumer behavior researchers have viewed opinion leadership at the sender level and identifies the model implicit in their work. Explain the influence of opinion leaders on consumer buying. This research tends to explore the concept of opinion leadership, explaining. Opinion leaders influence on consumer behaviour the. Consumer behaviour in online environments this chapter provides a conceptual overview of electronic wordofmouth ewom and the rise of. Opinion leaders influencing consumer behaviour vloggers, youtube, social media personalities an opinion leader can be defined as influential members of the community to whom others turn to for advice, opinions and views bus. Opinion leadership is the process by which the opinion leader informally influences the actions or attitudes of others, who may be opinion seekers or merely opinion recipients. The dynamics of the opinion leadership may be discussed under the following headings. Oct 24, 2012 faster no knead bread so easy anyone can make but no boiling water duration.
The model was empirically tested with 157 instagram users. Opinion leaders are generally people who have the ability to influence others. The degree of influence is proportional to the following amassed by each individual. May 08, 2017 can opinion leaders influence consumer behavior. A total of 93 nurses were surveyed, of whom 61% n57 returned a questionnaire. Read this article to learn about the meaning, factors influencing, advantages and disadvantages of consumer behaviour. Social influences on the consumer decision process. The main outcome measure was the identification of opinion leaders and the number of people who nominated each opinion leader. Start studying consumer behavior opinion leadership. May 05, 2017 an opinion leader is someone who acts as an information broker between the mass media and the opinions and behaviours of an individual or group. The economic model, the learning model, the psychoanalytic model and the sociological model the influence of the various social sciences such as economics, psychology, sociology and anthropology has promoted marketing experts to propound certain models for explaining buyers behaviour. P art i, overview of consumer beh aviour provides an ou tline of t he subject including e volut ion of consu mers, consu mer decisionm aking models, and how it is used in cons u mer analysis. The role of opinion leaders in influencing consumer behaviors with a focus on market mavens. Faster no knead bread so easy anyone can make but no boiling water duration.
They offer informal advice about the product or service. Return to contents list types of consumer buying behavior types of consumer buying behavior are determined by. Marketing implications of consumer behaviour study of consumer behaviour modelling an overview consumer behaviour is comparatively a new field of study which evolved just after the second world war. The role of opinion leaders in influencing consumer behaviors 46 community according to their own understandings. What factors of online opinion leader influence consumer. Consumer behaviour jane priest is a teaching fellow at edinburgh business school and teaches parts of the oncampus marketing course, as well as the consumer behaviour elective by distance learning. Consumer behaviour is shaped by our friends and family but most importantly by opinion leaders. Introduction in our daily lives, we all get influenced by a variety of people while making our purchase decisions.
Traditionally, the concept of opinion leader derived from a group of people accepting the information positively from media and will pass the information to others based on their previous. Opinion leaders and their influence on consumer purchasing behavior in saudi arabia hussein abdulla elomari, king fahd university. Opinion leaders influence on consumer behaviour the fitness. Opinion leaders used to be well known and respected individuals giving out information in their area of expertise. The present paper focuses on how marketers can use relationship marketing through opinion leaders in their marketing techniques in order to reach consumers. Our purchase decisions are influenced by any number of people or groups. A person makes reference to an individual and not to a group in order to formulate his or her behaviour pattern ex. Opinion leaders are people who possess social power such as experts or friends with similar taste as consumer who can influence a consumers attitudes or consumption behaviours.
The role of evolvement and opinion leadership in consumer. Opinion leaders are able to influence decisions effectively as they provide an unbiased view. These posts are then viewed by millions of followers everyday. Aug 29, 20 amity business school opinion leadership the process by which one person the opinion leader informally influences the consumption actions or attitudes of others who may be opinion seekers or opinion recipients. This study aims to measure the influence of opinion leaders towards the purchase decisions of the opinion seekers by examining interpersonal forces tie strength and homophily between the opinion leaders and opinion seekers and personal forces opinion leader s expertise and opinion seekers expertise, culture collectivismindividualism and power distance, and productcategory involvement.
Opinion leadership comes from the theory of twostep flow of communication propounded by paul lazarsfeld and elihu katz. Finally, this study forms a different perspective of consumer behavior, and the interest is not only limited to private fast fashion business enterprise development, but also can be. She is a key member of a team exploring how technology can be used to enhance the student learning experience. Opinion leadership is defined as the process in which one person influences the attitudes or actions of other person informally, who may be identified as opinion leader. Consumer buying behaviour refers to the buying behaviour of the ultimate consumer. Sep 01, 2001 opinion leaders are important disseminators of information. Consumer behaviour, consumer influence and the process of. Opinion leadership meaning definition characteristics. Leadership and its role in buyer decision making semantic scholar. The influence of opinion leadership and associated measures among owners of high end smartphone products in india. From a marketing perspective in some product categories, opinion leaders appear to be more knowledgeable about and involved with the product class. Consumer behaviour group dynamics, reference groups and opinion leadership manish sonkar ims unison university 2. Five separate studies using data from 1,128 student.
The role of opinion leaders in influencing consumer behaviors 44 statement of the problem many researchers, such as yang 20 and chelminski and coulter 2012, have done research studies with a view to determining how market. The red, blue, and black solid lines represent the evolution trajectories of the opinions of the positive opinion leaders, opinion followers, and negative opinion leaders, respectively, over time. Reference groups can be classified in many different ways, based on degree of influence normative reference group and comparative reference group. This study aims to measure the influence of opinion leaders towards the purchase decisions of the opinion seekers by examining interpersonal forces tie strength and homophily between the opinion leaders and opinion seekers and personal forces opinion leaders expertise and opinion seekers expertise, culture collectivismindividualism and power distance, and productcategory involvement. These factors are expected to influence consumer trust in instagram stores, and trust in turn determines consumer intention to purchase. Mar 01, 2017 opinion leaders influencing consumer behaviour opinion leadership is the process by which one person the opinion leader informally influences the actions or attitudes of others schiffman et al. Key opinion leader kol endorsement and peer customer endorsement. Factors influencing consumer behavior of smartphone users. As such, opinion leaders can shape how a product is viewed. Opinion leaders influencing consumer behaviour as social media facebook, youtube and instagram are taking over the world it comes with a new influx of opinion leaders.
Consumer behavior characteristics in fast fashiontina. Perhaps the most wellknown opinion leader for consumers is the magazine consumer reports, which engages in product testing, evaluation, and. The influence of opinion leaders australian prescriber. May 03, 2017 opinion leaders influencing consumer behaviour vloggers, youtube, social media personalities an opinion leader can be defined as influential members of the community to whom others turn to for advice, opinions and views bus. They have the standing to be able to influence others. However, only 40% n38 of the sample completed the opinion leader component of the survey tool. She is a key member of a team exploring how technology can be. Opinion leaders as a segment for marketing communications. Unfortunately, many opinion leaders pay scant attention to nonpharmacological strategies which typically do not provide the same incentives. As such, opinion leaders can shape how a product is viewed boundless, 2016 an example of an opinion leader in the beauty industry is zoella. Managers and marketing practitioners alike may find that different types of productcategory involvement as well as different cultural background may require. The attitude of consumer or buyer decides how demand will. This aiding in conveying a message or selling a product or service.
Opinion leaders are usually seen as being honest and impartial. Many factors, specificities and characteristics influence the individual in what he is and the consumer in his decision making process, shopping habits, purchasing behavior, the brands he buys or the retailers he goes. Perceived benevolence, perceived integrity, and kol endorsement were found to be. Opinion leaders influencing consumer behaviour opinion leadership is the process by which one person the opinion leader informally influences the actions or attitudes of others schiffman et al. May 08, 2017 consumer behaviour is shaped by our friends and family but most importantly by opinion leaders.
Although the term word of mouth implies personal, or face to face communication, it may also take place in a telephone conversation or online. Proceedof the winter conference of the american marketing association. Agents marked with a star shape labeled 16 are opinion leaders with positive target opinions, those in the upper. We study the role of opinion leadership on the social media networking website. The impact of opinion leadership on purchases through social. The impacts of opinion leaders towards purchase decision. Consumer may regard information in advertising as accessible and easy to see or hear but. It has become more common to online shop than to go to a shopping center and purchase a. Essay on consumer behaviour essays, research papers and. Reference groups and opinion leadership consumers behavior. The authors describe the development and validation of multipleitem selfreport scales to measure opinion leadership and opinion seeking for specific product or service domains. May 21, 2017 we often look to opinion leaders for help in our consumer decisions. It is an old saying that customer is the king because he is the person on whose decision demand of any product or service is dependent.
Opinion leadership and its role in buyer decision making. They usually have deeper expertise in a certain area, and are. Opinion leaders are usually people who are more knowledgeable about a certain product or service than the average consumer. As informal communication sources, it effectively influences consumers in their product related decisions. Opinion leaders, such as new types of digital celebrities. May 28, 2010 consumer behaviour, consumer influence and the process of diffusion what is opinion leadership. Finding opinion leaders can be vital to the success of a marketing plan, as they can then influence others to purchase the product or service.
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